OYA Student Highlights
OYA Scholarship Award Winners Fall 2024
Congratulations! to Isabel Arroyo, Pedro Hernandez, and Alexa Moedano the OYA fall 2024 Scholarship Award Winners. The $500 scholarship is made possibly by a generous donation from Mirastar Federal Credit Union (formerly Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union).
Isabel plans to attend San Jose City College this spring with a focusing the nursing field and medical assisting as her first goal. Her dream is to work in pediatrics at Kaiser, Valley Medical, or O'Connor hosptials.
Pedro plans to become a Cyber Security Engineer. He will enroll at Mission College for the spring 2024 semester. Pedro is excited for the future and looks forward to becoming a successful engineer.
Alexa plans to attend De Anza College in the fall and then apply to the UC Davis Veterinary Medicine College in three years. Alexa's dream to make a meaningful impact in the lives of animals and their caretakers while contributing to the preservation of our planet.
The OYA staff would like to congratulate the receiptients and wish them future success as they continue to move closer to their dreams!
OYA will have four (4) spring 2025 $500 Scholarships available to OYA 2024-2025 graduates. Eligible graduates must have plans to enroll in a college for the fall 2025 semester. OYA Scholarship Applications will open for submission in mid-May 2025.
Kneaded Culinary Academy at the OYA South County Annex
Students from Ms. Guerrero's South County Annex classroom are participating in a Culinary class. Students are engaged in meal preparation and planning with the support of Chef's and staff from the Kneaded Culinary Academy in Gilroy. The Academy is not just about cooking; it's about empowering the youth in our community. Opportunity Youth Academy is proud to be partnering with Kneaded as we work together to inspire and build a brighter future for our students, "one disha at a time."
Student participants will learn valuable skils and have an opportunity to earn their Food Handlers Certification.
The Kneaded Culinary Academy is coming to students in the San Jose area. Be looking for a flyer soon.
Denise Santillan Munoz Wins Gold!
Students from Silicon Valley Career Technical Education (SVCTE) demonstrated their expertise and proficiency in healthcare at the recent HOSA-Future Health Professionals State Competion in Anaheim, CA during the week of April 4-6, 2024.
Opportunity Youth Academy student, Denise Santillan Munoz won a GOLD MEDAL in the Dental Science Category! Congratulations to Denise!
During the state competition Denise performed procedures, demonstrations, and participated in other competitive events divided into seven categories: health science, emergency preparedness, teamwork, ATC Testing, health professions, leadership, and recognition.
Denise will graduate this semester and receive her certificate in dental assisting from SVCTE.
She will then go on to the HOSA International Leadership Conference June 26-29 in Houston, TX where she will meet with teams from all 50 states, Mexico, Samoa, China, Korea, Canada, and other countries.
Youth Liberation Movement
Meyia Carrasco, Co-Founder of the San Jose Youth Liberation Movement (YLM), is very active in bringing youth voice to the political stage in Santa Clara County and beyond.
Meyia is currently seeking youth to participate in 4 Design Days for the Youth Housing Coalition. This effort will bring the voices of young adults aged 17-26 with lived experiences and interests to the policy-creating efforts with the community. If you are interested in this effort, please register for the event via the 4 Design Days for a Youth Housing Coalition website.
Meyia and members of the YLM were responsible for the design and adoption of The Bill of Rights for Children and Young Adults in Santa Clara County. The Santa Clara County Office of Education and Opportunity Youth Academy, along with other organizations adopted the Bill of Rights in the spring of 2023.
The staff at Opportunity Youth Academy are very proud of Meyia Carrasco and the work she is doing as a Champion for Change for the youth of Santa Clara County.
Meyia Carrasco (front center) and members of the
Youth Liberation Movement